
College Transition

Let the Journey Begin.

The College Transition program provides incoming students with Identified Learning Disabilities an opportunity to get “settled in" before starting classes. This "settling in" period offers a variety of experiences for students to be better prepared for their new academic year. There is no charge for the Transition to College Program. It is absolutely free.



Students starting at èÖľyuzuki in January or May intakes should reach out to the Student Support Centre for possible transition opportunities.

For students starting at èÖľyuzuki in September, please check back to this page in the summer or contact the Student Support Centre for dates, program details, and registration.

The preferred registration deadline for the fall transition program entry is August 15. Applications received after August 15 will only be considered based on availability.

Fall 2025 Program Dates:



Documentation Requirements

We recommend meeting with a counsellor to provide documentation on your disability and discuss accommodations. You can do this prior to participating in the Transition program, or during it. Please note that some accommodations take longer than others to implement, so the earlier we know about your specific needs, the smoother we can make your transition.

Email   studentsupport@saultcollege.ca  to book an appointment.

If you do not have documentation on your disability (or it is more than 5 years old), a counsellor can help you explore options to complete an updated assessment. It is important that you meet with a counsellor during the summer or as early in the academic year as possible.


What We'll Cover

See below for a brief list of some of the seminars and activities that will be covered in the Transition Program.

  • Learn Notetaking for lectures
  • Develop Test-Taking   Skills
  • Assistive Technology Overview
  • Learning Study Skills and Effective Time Management Strategies
  • Understanding Course Outlines and your Timetable
  • Library Orientation
  • Campus Tour
  • Computer Awareness – College Email, Student Portal, LMS, Office 365
  • Learn Self Advocacy Skills, Mental Health Awareness, and Stress Management
  • Orientation to Accessibility Services


Contact Us

For questions about the College Transition program, to book an appointment with a counsellor about your documentation, accommodations, and more, contact us.

Email:   transition@saultcollege.ca
Phone:  705-759-2554 ext. 2703 or ext. 2495